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1"""Terminal user interface (TUI) helper functions and components.""" 

2from contextlib import nullcontext 

3from dataclasses import asdict 

4from pathlib import Path 

5from typing import List 


7from rich.columns import Columns 

8from rich.console import Console 

9from rich.rule import Rule 

10from rich.theme import Theme 


12from databooks.data_models.notebook import JupyterNotebook, NotebookMetadata 

13from databooks.git_utils import DiffContents 


15DATABOOKS_TUI = Theme({"in_count": "blue", "out_count": "orange3", "kernel": "bold"}) 


17databooks_console = Console(theme=DATABOOKS_TUI) 



20def print_nb(path: Path, console: Console = databooks_console) -> None: 

21 """Show rich representation of notebook in terminal.""" 

22 notebook = JupyterNotebook.parse_file(path) 

23 console.rule(path.resolve().name) 

24 console.print(notebook) 



27def print_nbs( 

28 paths: List[Path], 

29 console: Console = databooks_console, 

30 use_pager: bool = False, 

31) -> None: 

32 """Show rich representation of notebooks in terminal.""" 

33 with console.pager(styles=True) if use_pager else nullcontext(): # type: ignore 

34 for path in paths: 

35 print_nb(path, console=console) 



38def print_diff( 

39 diff: DiffContents, 

40 console: Console = databooks_console, 

41) -> None: 

42 """Show rich representation of notebook diff in terminal.""" 

43 a_nb, b_nb = ( 

44 JupyterNotebook.parse_raw(c) 

45 if c is not None 

46 else JupyterNotebook( 

47 nbformat=0, nbformat_minor=0, metadata=NotebookMetadata(), cells=[] 

48 ) 

49 for c in (diff.a.contents, diff.b.contents) 

50 ) 

51 cols = Columns( 

52 [ 

53 Rule( 

54 f"{ab}/{c['path'].resolve().name if c['path'] is not None else 'null'}" 

55 ) 

56 for ab, c in asdict(diff).items() 

57 if ab in ("a", "b") 

58 ], 

59 width=console.width // 2, 

60 padding=(0, 0), 

61 ) 

62 console.print(cols, a_nb - b_nb) 



65def print_diffs( 

66 diffs: List[DiffContents], 

67 console: Console = databooks_console, 

68 use_pager: bool = False, 

69) -> None: 

70 """Show rich representation of notebook diff in terminal.""" 

71 with console.pager(styles=True) if use_pager else nullcontext(): # type: ignore 

72 for diff in diffs: 

73 print_diff(diff, console=console)