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CLI tool to resolve git conflicts and remove metadata in notebooks.


$ databooks [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --version
  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • assert: Assert notebook metadata has desired values.
  • diff: Show differences between notebooks.
  • fix: Fix git conflicts for notebooks.
  • meta: Clear both notebook and cell metadata.
  • show: Show rich representation of notebook.

databooks assert

Assert notebook metadata has desired values.

Pass one (or multiple) strings or recipes. The available variables in scope include nb (notebook), raw_cells (notebook cells of raw type), md_cells (notebook cells of markdown type), code_cells (notebook cells of code type) and exec_cells (notebook cells of code type that were executed - have an execution count value). Recipes can be found on


$ databooks assert [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • -x, --expr TEXT: Expressions to assert on notebooks [default: ]
  • -r, --recipe [has-tags|has-tags-code|max-cells|no-empty-code|seq-exec|seq-increase|startswith-md]: Common recipes of expressions - see [default: ]
  • -v, --verbose: Log processed files in console [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help: Show this message and exit

databooks diff

Show differences between notebooks.

This is similar to git-diff, but in practice it is a subset of git-diff features - only exception is that we cannot compare diffs between local files. That means we can compare files that are staged with other branches, hashes, etc., or compare the current directory with the current index.


$ databooks diff [OPTIONS] [REF_BASE] [REF_REMOTE] [PATHS]...


  • [REF_BASE]: Base reference (hash, branch, etc.), defaults to index
  • [REF_REMOTE]: Remote reference (hash, branch, etc.), defaults to working tree
  • [PATHS]...: Path(s) of notebook files to compare


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • -p, --pager: Use pager instead of printing to terminal [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Increase verbosity for debugging [default: False]
  • -y, --yes: Show multiple files [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help: Show this message and exit

databooks fix

Fix git conflicts for notebooks.

Perform by getting the unmerged blobs from git index, comparing them and returning a valid notebook summarizing the differences - see git docs.


$ databooks fix [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files with conflicts [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • --metadata-head / --no-metadata-head: Whether or not to keep the metadata from the head/current notebook [default: True]
  • --cells-head / --no-cells-head: Whether to keep the cells from the head/base notebook. Omit to keep both
  • --cell-fields-ignore TEXT: Cell fields to remove before comparing cells [default: id, execution_count]
  • -i, --interactive: Interactively resolve the conflicts (not implemented) [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Log processed files in console [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help: Show this message and exit

databooks meta

Clear both notebook and cell metadata.


$ databooks meta [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • --prefix TEXT: Prefix to add to filepath when writing files [default: ]
  • --suffix TEXT: Suffix to add to filepath when writing files [default: ]
  • --rm-outs / --no-rm-outs: Whether to remove cell outputs [default: False]
  • --rm-exec / --no-rm-exec: Whether to remove the cell execution counts [default: True]
  • --nb-meta-keep TEXT: Notebook metadata fields to keep [default: ]
  • --cell-meta-keep TEXT: Cells metadata fields to keep [default: ]
  • --cell-fields-keep TEXT: Other (excluding execution_counts and outputs) cell fields to keep [default: ]
  • -y, --yes: Confirm overwrite of files [default: False]
  • --check: Don't write files but check whether there is unwanted metadata [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Log processed files in console [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help: Show this message and exit

databooks show

Show rich representation of notebook.


$ databooks show [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files with conflicts [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • -p, --pager: Use pager instead of printing to terminal [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Increase verbosity for debugging [default: False]
  • -y, --yes: Show multiple files [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help: Show this message and exit