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Instead of passing the same parameters every time when running a command, it is also possible to set up a configuration that will be read and override the defaults. The order of priority (from higher priority to lower)

  1. User input arguments in the CLI
  2. Configuration file
  3. Defaults

So it's still possible to override the configuration file via CLI parameters (as expected).

What can I configure?

All CLI parameters are actually configurable, so you can pass specify anything that is also available to you via the UI, with one exception: the required PATHS argument. This is because the PATHS argument is also used for finding your configuration (see how can I use it for more information).


Remember that flags are parsed as boolean values. So you can specify --verbose on the configuration as verbose=true.

How does it look like?

The configuration file is a pyproject.toml file that you can place at the root of your project. There, you can specify values for either command under the [tool.databooks.<command>].

So if, for example, the desired behavior is

  • databooks meta
  • Remove outputs
  • Don't remove execution count
  • Always overwrite files
  • databooks fix
  • Keep notebook metadata from base (not head)

The pyproject.toml file would look like

rm-outs = true
rm_exec = false
overwrite = true

metadata-head = false

How can I use it?

There are 2 ways to specify the configuration file: explicitly and implicitly. You can explicitly specify the pyproject.toml via the --config parameter. If none is specified, then databooks will look for a pyproject.toml in your project.

databooks will look for the configuration file by first finding the common directory between all the target paths and from there recursively go to the parent directories until either finding the configuration file or the root of the git repo. That way, you can have multiple configuration files and depending on where your notebooks are located the correct values will be used (think monorepo).


databooks has a verbose concept that will print more information to the terminal if desired. For debugging purposes one can still increase the verbosity by setting and environment variable LOG_LEVEL to DEBUG. That way, one can get information, among many other things, of the configuration file used.

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