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A CLI tool that minimises friction when versioning and collaborating on Jupyter notebooks.


$ databooks [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --version
  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • diff: Show differences between notebooks (not implemented)
  • fix: Fix git conflicts for notebooks.
  • meta: Clear both notebook and cell metadata.

databooks diff

Show differences between notebooks (not implemented).


$ databooks diff [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

databooks fix

Fix git conflicts for notebooks.

Perform by getting the unmerged blobs from git index, comparing them and returning a valid notebook summarizing the differences - see git docs.


$ databooks fix [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files with conflicts [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • --metadata-head / --no-metadata-head: Whether or not to keep the metadata from the head/current notebook [default: True]
  • --cells-head / --no-cells-head: Whether to keep the cells from the head/base notebook. Omit to keep both
  • --cell-fields-ignore TEXT: Cell fields to remove before comparing cells [default: id, execution_count]
  • -i, --interactive: Interactively resolve the conflicts (not implemented) [default: False]
  • --verbose / --no-verbose: Log processed files in console [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help / --no-help: Show this message and exit

databooks meta

Clear both notebook and cell metadata.


$ databooks meta [OPTIONS] PATHS...


  • PATHS...: Path(s) of notebook files [required]


  • --ignore TEXT: Glob expression(s) of files to ignore [default: !*]
  • --prefix TEXT: Prefix to add to filepath when writing files [default: ]
  • --suffix TEXT: Suffix to add to filepath when writing files [default: ]
  • --rm-outs / --no-rm-outs: Whether to remove cell outputs [default: False]
  • --rm-exec / --no-rm-exec: Whether to remove the cell execution counts [default: True]
  • --nb-meta-keep TEXT: Notebook metadata fields to keep [default: ]
  • --cell-meta-keep TEXT: Cells metadata fields to keep [default: ]
  • --cell-fields-keep TEXT: Other (excluding execution_counts and outputs) cell fields to keep [default: ]
  • -w, --overwrite: Confirm overwrite of files [default: False]
  • --check: Don't write files but check whether there is unwanted metadata [default: False]
  • -v, --verbose: Log processed files in console [default: False]
  • -c, --config PATH: Get CLI options from configuration file
  • --help / --no-help: Show this message and exit
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